20% Off IPL PhotoFacial, Skin Tightening & Skin Resurfacing
IPL, and Laser Skin Tightening and Resurfacing are non-invasive, safe and effective alternatives to fillers and microdermabrasion using a combination of infrared and bi-polar RF energy that delivers immediate results in skin tightening and facial contouring.
Skin Resurfacing (Eyes, Mouth or Cheeks)
Was: $300
Now: $237
Skin Tightening (Sublime)
Was: $300
Now: $237
Skin Resurfacing (Full Face)
Was: $450
Now: $337
Was: $300
Now: $237
Profound RF Basics
Was: $5,000
Now: $3,997
Schedule An Appointment For This Special!
To purchase this special or to schedule a FREE skin care consultation call 559-447-LASER (5273) or use this form.