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Mystique Medical Spa's Industry Seminar


Fat Destruction Seminar! FREE Food! FREE Giveaways!

Wednesday, May 17th, 11 am to 2:00 pm

Up To 50% OFF ~ Our Best Pricing Of The Year!

If your goals are to get in shape and look better at the beach then register to attend our Fat Destruction Seminar. The event will include:

  • Presentations with Q & A from industry representatives
  • Live demonstrations of the products
  • Complimentary Lunch (Wednesday) or Dinner (Thursday)
  • Special pricing services

Seating is limited so call 559-447-LASER (5273) to reserve your seat for:


Fat Destruction Seminar








Learn More About:

Presentations and Live Demonstrations Include:

Before & After:

Kybella Chin Fat Destruction

Kybella is the first FDA-approved, injectable drug used to reduce the appearance of submental fat, more commonly known as a double chin, by physically destroying fat cells.

Sometimes, even with diet or exercise, the unwanted fullness beneath your chin may not go away, and it could make you appear older or heavier than you actually are. When Kybella is injected into the fat beneath your chin it destroys fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.

UltraShape Power – 20% Faster & More Efficient!

UltraShape Power is the latest non-invasive, non-surgical and painless procedure that uses ultrasound to eliminate fat and reduce body circumference. Plus, the UltraShape Power is 20% faster and 30% more efficient.

UltraShape Power has been cleared by the FDA for abdominal circumference reduction by mechanical disruption of fat cells. While this treatment has been recently introduced in the U.S., hundreds of thousands of patients have already been treated in over 50 countries. The procedure has also been supported by a peer-reviewed multi-center clinical trial and other clinical studies of over 600 patients.

Before & After:

VelaShape III

Feel the confidence that comes from knowing you look your best with VelaShape III non-invasive body contouring. VelaShape III is a powerful combination of infrared light and bi-polar radio frequency that is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of cellulite and result in smoother skin.

Stop saying, “What if” — call us today for a complimentary consultation and start making your best fit happen!

Learn More About VelaShape III:

Learn more about UltraShape POWER:


When: Wednesday, May 17th, 11 am to 2:00 pm


Where: 7161 N. Howard St.

Located just west of Kaiser Permanente, off Fresno St. between Herndon & Alluvial.

Why: Learn more about these services and receive up to 50% off

The seminar will include information about these services and live demonstrations.

Complimentary lunch will be provided.

Call 559-447-(LASER) 5273.

We are located on Howard St, just west of Kaiser Permanente:

Mystique Medical Spa

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Our Awards:

Allergan Top 100

Allergan Top 100 Account

Mystique Medical Spa is in the top 0.5% nationwide for sales of Botox Cosmetic, Juvederm XC, Volume XC, Kybella and other Allergan products.

Seminar| Mystique Medical Spa

People's Choice Award Winner

Voted #1 Medical Spa by The Fresno Bee!

Seminar| Mystique Medical Spa

People's Choice Award Winner

Voted #1 Medical Spa by The Fresno Bee!